While renovating the building we have had glass flying across the room and cutting people, we've had loud bangs and screams. Theres also been blood well, a lot of blood. But this isn't stopping us, I've got such a good team that are 100% committed to this church and helping me to achieve what i've been called to do.
We had to clear everything out of the whole building, everything had to go even the kitchen, we are re building everything. This church is ancient, literally, look at this first aid box.
The whole building has very old stuff so we need to get rid of these things and change the way everything looks for a better look for the community.
We have started with the kitchen and the side rooms, we are throwing all the things out that are not needed. The side rooms are full of junk and old things that are not useable. We have kept some stuff that we can reuse or rebuild.
I want to make this church look very welcome and homely, so people can walk in and wouldn't be wowed, I want this place to be a safe place for all kinds of people.
I found these today, they are visitor books they are very fancy books, right. They start from 1983 and they finish at 1993, this is such a long time ago and it's crazy to think that the building was up and running back then. They are full of visitors who came to the building.
The photo below is of the church many years ago, it's crazy how many people can fit into one building.
I'm aiming to make this building different and unique, I want people to come and not think of it as a church I want something more. I want young people coming in this building and having fun.
We found this in one of the small rooms, its old I know, I haven't tried to see if it works but I doubt it. I haven't seen one like this for a while.
Yes, this is the kitchen. Clean right! my daughter Alisha and niece Chloe started to put all the plates, dishes, glasses, mugs, and vases into a boxes which people may wan back then they got all the other old or gone off stuff into bins to throw away. After they did this they striped all the doors and draws out to burn. We are completely redoing the kitchen as there was a lot of old and damp things around that needed to go.
This is the lichen a few days after the first picture was taken. I have taken the selves out and the cupboards out as I'm putting more of a modern kitchen in so I can start thinking about serving food and drinks and maybe a cafe in the future.
It doesn't look like much but it's been hard work with everything else. What colour scheme should I do...
The images below are of the main hall in the building, we had to put all the rubbish in the main hall to make it easier to take out, for rubbish or to put in piles that we wanted to keep. Theres a lot I know.
These are the small rooms on the right hand side, I decided to break the glass walls down to make the individual rooms into one big room. I'm thinking of using this for a children room or a youth room.
This is Scott, he's my handy man. He's been helping a lot and he has had a lot of cuts and blood but nothing is stopping him. He helped me take all the windows out of the small rooms and he took the glass out of the frame.